Sunday, December 11, 2011

AAU ex-CEO Bobby Dodd Sex Abuse Allegations

Memphis police are investigating allegations made by two former players that Amateur Athletic Union president and chief executive officer Robert "Bobby" Dodd molested them in the 1980s.
On Friday, the AAU announced that it had contacted Memphis police after AAU officials learned from ESPN's "Outside the Lines" about allegations made by the two players. The AAU also announced its own investigation, that Dodd would not be returning to the organization after a medical leave, and named an interim leader.
"Outside the Lines" tried several times Thursday and Friday to contact Dodd about various abuse allegations. Dodd, 63, the AAU's top executive since 1992, did not respond to in-person visits at his home and AAU offices, telephone calls or email to answer questions about the allegations. The players allege a pattern of inappropriate touching of them by Dodd, masturbation by Dodd while they slept in hotel rooms during tournaments, and players younger than 16 being supplied alcohol.
Memphis police on Friday night issued a statement from Memphis Police Director Toney Armstrong: "The Memphis Police Department takes allegations of child sexual abuse very seriously. Although this case has its challenges due to the amount of time that has passed, it will be thoroughly examined; and if the investigation reveals the law was violated, the person responsible will be held accountable."
One of the former players making the allegations said Friday night that a Memphis detective had contacted him and said that the AAU had supplied the names of three former players who had alleged abuse to the organization.

Two players told OTL they had contacted the AAU in early November with claims that Dodd had molested them. AAU first vice president Louis Stout, who is the interim president, told OTL on Thursday evening that he was not made aware of the allegations but should have been.

Ralph West, 43, of Miami showed "Outside the Lines" an email he said he sent to the AAU's compliance department on Nov. 9 about Dodd's alleged behavior. In it, West wrote, "Bobby Dodd is a pedophile that assaulted me in Memphis in 1984. I am speaking to a reporter and attorney." West later contacted a reporter for OTL but said he decided not to hire an attorney.
The second former player, who spoke to OTL only on the condition of anonymity, said he called Dodd on Nov. 11 and confronted him about his "sick" behavior and that Dodd apologized for the alleged abuse. OTL verified the 8-minute phone call to Dodd by examining telephone records.

Still No Word From Bobby Dodd's Atterney.

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